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Bedeutung von Fingerzeichen

Bedeutung von Fingerzeichen

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Dirk1966 ist offline Dirk1966 · 153 Posts seit 10.09.2011
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Neuer Beitrag 03.06.2012 18:14
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An Alle !!!!

Kennt jemand von Euch die doppelte Bedeutung von Fingerzeichen?????

z.B. Daumen und Zeigefinger zusammen: Österreich: OK, gut
Griechenland, Türkei: Du bist schwul

Zeigefinger und kleine Finger : einmal Du bist ein Gehörnter.......schlecht
In der Rock- oder Punkszene soll es wohl einfach ein Gefühl von Zusammengehörigkeit demonstrieren, super gut !!!!

Euch noch einen schönen Sonntag

Gruß Dirk

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Neuer Beitrag 03.06.2012 19:23
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Daum und Zeigefinger zusammen heißt in den Staaten A....loch. oder?

cb750 ist offline cb750 · 9778 Posts seit 10.04.2009
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Neuer Beitrag 03.06.2012 19:37
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Beim Tauchen heißt es, dass alles O.K (in Ordnung) ist. Freude

Nur wer gegen den Strom schwimmt, kommt zur Quelle.

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Neuer Beitrag 03.06.2012 19:54
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Also das hier ist überall auf der Welt ziemlich eindeutig:

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Neuer Beitrag 03.06.2012 19:55
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Oh,........da muß man ja aufpassen, wo man sich gerade befindet..... Augenzwinkern Augenzwinkern Augenzwinkern

außer Omi weiß bescheid........................................................

bestes-ht ist offline bestes-ht · 23219 Posts seit 10.11.2009
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Neuer Beitrag 03.06.2012 23:22
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Gibts ja eine ganze Menge, Gebärdensprache, Tauchen, Militärische und Ausserirdische.... Augenzwinkern
Attachment 108027
Attachment 108028

Wir werden nicht grau, wir werden chrome....

Wo gehstn hin? Motorrad fahren. Warst du doch gestern erst. Ja, bin aber nicht fertig geworden..... fröhlich fröhlich fröhlich

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Neuer Beitrag 04.06.2012 06:04
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Zündstoff, mein Gott nochmal, muss das sein. Das Bild deiner Proktologin erinnert mich an eine unangenehme Untersuchung die ich mal beim Doc hatte. Mir ist schlecht.

Harley is not dead - but it smells funny.

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Neuer Beitrag 18.06.2012 13:35
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Daume hoch = In Deutschland = Alles super

Daumen hoch = In Afganistan = Ihr

Peinlich wen deutsche Soldaten beim Zuwinken von afgahnischen Kindern so zurückgrüssen... Baby

Grüße aus Rockenhausen


"The mind is like a parachute. Works best when open"

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Neuer Beitrag 18.06.2012 13:35
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zum zitierten Beitrag Zitat von Zündstoff
Also das hier ist überall auf der Welt ziemlich eindeutig:

Ach du meintest bestimmt das Internationale Freundschaftszeichen....

Grüße aus Rockenhausen


"The mind is like a parachute. Works best when open"

Defcon ist offline Defcon · 18074 Posts seit 21.08.2009
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Neuer Beitrag 18.06.2012 13:53
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Kennt auch jeder
Attachment 109143

Trust The Universe

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Gem|N| ist offline Gem|N| · 156 Posts seit 20.06.2012
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Neuer Beitrag 20.07.2012 07:27
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rechter Daumen und Zeigefinger heißt in den USA Loooooooser (die Fingerkombination steht dabei für das große L) cool

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Neuer Beitrag 20.07.2012 09:47
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1. The “Wanker”
This one actually has a universal meaning; it was just too good not to include in any compilation of hand gestures. There aren’t many places on earth where you could get away with frantically fist-pumping at somebody - I’d imagine because masturbating’s the same wherever you go. Even in Japan.

Tony Blair, caught in the act. Or, thanks to some Photoshopping, maybe not. And yes, Tony... you are. Particularly popular with fans at football matches to taunt opposition players, Tony Blair famously copped a bit of embarrassment when the uncensored version of a photograph of him during his Oxford University days was shown on BBC2’s Newsnight: a photo that had later been photoshopped by the supplying press agency to cover up Blair’s rude – and delightfully unambiguous – hand gesture. Yes, Tony. You are.

2. The “Thumbs-Up”
I'll live to see you eat that thumbs-up. First of all, let’s quash the urban legend of the ‘thumbs-up/thumbs-down’ being used by the audience in the Roman coliseum to vote on the life or death of a defeated gladiator, as furthered by such movies as Gladiator and Spartacus. There’s no evidence for this, and it’s just massively unlikely. Sorry.

While Western culture has become used to the thumbs-up as a positive, informal signal, generally indicating a job well done (probably stemming from World War II pilots using the signal to communicate that they were “good to go” with ground crews), there are cultures where a thumbs-up may land you in trouble. In most of Latin America and West Africa, as well as Greece, Russia, Sardinia and the south of Italy, the thumbs-up basically means the same as the middle finger: “sit on it and swivel”. Also, it’s generally not recommended to use the thumbs-up around the Middle East as it’s pretty much the biggest insult out there – and even worse if you pull off the emphatic version with both hands - so no Fonzie impressions, please.

Rather more charming is a thumbs-up in Germany and in the less-Westernised areas of Japan – they just see it as the hand signal for the number one. Bless.

3. The “Moutza”
Let's hope there are no Greeks in the audience. Opening your palm to your target and stretching out your fingers seems harmless enough to most Westerners. Most of us would think you’re waving. In Greece, however, the gesture is known as a moutza, and is one of their most traditional manual insults. With fingers slightly apart, you thrust your hand into your target’s face, usually coupling the gesture with a brash “na!”, meaning “here you go!”. The basic suggestion is something like “eat shit”, implying that you’re not particularly impressed and would rather the target of the moutza leave you alone – comparable to the American interpretation of the same signal as “talk to the hand, because the face isn’t listening”.

The gesture is also an insulting one in Pakistan and many parts of Africa. The Japanese use a very similar sign to insult their old enemies, the Koreans. Roughly translating as ‘animal’, the signal is similar to the moutza in every way except they tuck the thumb into the palm.

Amusingly, Microsoft used to use a very similar-looking hand signal as an icon for warning dialogs in previous versions of Windows – what Greek users must have thought of that, I don’t know… “This application has performed an illegal operation - now, eat shit!”.

4. The “Dog Call”
Curling your index finger towards you in a summoning motion is a gesture generally linked with seductive temptresses in Hollywood movies, beckoning for their targeted men to follow them into another room.

Here, boy!Beware, however, of using this gesture in the Philippines – it’s a method of communication considered worthy only to use on dogs, and is actually punishable by arrest. Worst of all, they’ll break your index finger in order to prevent you from committing the same crime again!

5. The “A-OK”
Mainly used by scuba divers to mean “OK” (to prevent ambiguity with the thumbs-up sign, which means “ascend”), this hand gesture is generally called ‘A-OK’, and in America and the UK is often used to tell somebody that they’ve made a great meal, as talking with your mouth would just be impolite. Essentially the meaning comes out as “great”, or “absolutely fine”.

Not so, however, in a few countries in Europe, where the numerical interpretation gives the signal an insulting overtone – essentially you’re telling them that you think they’re a ‘zero’.

Far worse, however, is the meaning in Brazil, Germany and a few Mediterranean countries: the circular shape of the gesture gives it the meaning of “anus”, and is therefore used to call somebody an “asshole”, or, by extension, a homosexual. You probably wouldn’t learn that in most of the German courses London has to offer

While there isn’t really an equivalent in Western culture, the cutis in Indian and Pakistani culture is basically a thumbs-up, except you push the nail on your thumb against your front teeth and flick, while saying “cutta!”. It basically amounts to “screw you”, and famously appeared in the media when Pakistani fast bowler Shoaib Akhtar made the gesture in Melbourne as he left the field for a rain delay during the 2004 test series against Australia.

7. The “V Sign”
The age-old ‘V sign’ comes in two formats: one with the palm faced outwards, and one with the palm inwards. In America the two hand signals mean the same thing – ‘victory’, as popularised by Richard Nixon, or ‘peace and love’, which seemed to become the primary meaning after anti-Vietnam protesters used it during the 60s.

'Um, sir? You just told the entire population of London to go screw themselves'However, if the outside of your hand is facing your target, you’re giving somebody a long-established insult in Great Britain and many English-speaking countries such as Australia, Ireland and New Zealand. Winston Churchill famously used the ‘incorrect’ version of the V sign during the early years of the war, switching round later when he’d been told by his advisors that he wasn’t exactly giving the lower social orders a positive message. The V sign is also considered rude in Italy, especially if you place your nose between the two fingers, making the gesture resemble a crude vagina.

I myself have almost seen a fight start as a result of an American tourist ordering drinks in an English pub: when asked how many pints he wanted, he simply stuck two fingers up and looked straight into the eyes of the barman – perfectly normal on the other side of the Atlantic (it’s actually the signal for the number 2 in American Sign Language), but it’s fighting talk to the British.

8. The “Fig”
'I've got your nose'. Nothing more than a fist with the thumb poking out from between the index and middle fingers, the mano fico (literally ‘fig hand’) is a gesture of Roman origin, used as a positive gesture to encourage good luck and fertility, and ward away the ‘evil eye’. The sexual nuance comes from from the hand’s resemblance to the female private parts (fica is actually Italian slang for “vulva”), with the nub of the thumb representing the clitoris.

There seems to be a lack of positive meaning to this sign these days, however. If you’re doing the ‘fig’, it probably means you’re denoting a letter T in American Sign Language. But if somebody else is giving you the same gesture (especially if they are of the Asian persuasion), they’re probably giving you a rather disparaging insult, roughly equivalent to “fuck you!”. This hand sign is also highly disparaging to Italians and Turks, and in India would be taken as a threatening gesture. Most non-deaf Americans or Brits, however, would simply see the mano fico as a bizarre-looking fist.

9. The “Corna”
Consisting of a clenched fist with the second and fifth fingers straightened out, the corna (‘horns’) hand gesture has most recently been adopted by fans of rock and heavy metal music, first used by Black Sabbath vocalist Ronnie James Dio. The gesture carries only a vague meaning, implying the presence of Satan, malevolence and loud guitar music, and is used in much the same way as headbanging. The gesture was actually popularised as a Satanic salute during the 1960s, appearing in many editions of the Satanic Bible. Nowadays many Americans use the gesture simply to mean “rock on”, or in support of the University of Texas in Austin (known as the “Hook ‘em Horns”).

Jenna Bush - satanist, metal fan, or just trying too hard?Occasionally used by baseball players to indicate “two outs”, the corna is actually a positive hand gesture in Buddhism and Hinduism, known as the Karana Mudra in such circles, and is used to dispel evil – an interestingly opposite meaning to its contemporary significance.

Historically, however, the symbol basically means “cuckold” (or rather, “your wife is cheating on you”), and its origins are Mediterranean, possibly dating back to Ancient Greece. The corna is still popular in Spain, Portugal, Greece, Colombia, Brazil, Albania, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, and seems to be used most often to disagree with football referees - perhaps their wives are taking advantage of their husband’s occupation to score with hunky football players - though only when the referee make an incorrect decision, of course…

Of course, if you’re thinking of learning that in a Spanish course London is probably the best place to start…

10. “The Finger”
Great parenting.Most likely derived from Ancient Greece, ‘the finger’ is one of the most widespread obscene gestures throughout the Western world. In a handful of Mediterranean and Arab countries the index finger is preferred to the middle, but the meaning remains crystal clear. There are a myriad of different stories for the origin of the finger (going back as far as 2500 years), making mention of Greek tragedies, phallic representation, perverse Roman emperors, English longbowmen, and annoyed deaf people - but we just don’t know.

Also known as the ‘flip-off’, the ‘bird’, the ‘highway salute’, ‘digitus impudicus’ and the ‘One-Fingered Victory Salute’ (thanks to President Bush’s famous TV blooper), the middle finger is probably the most universally-understood hand gesture in the world. This is owed mostly to its age, the sheer simplicity of the gesture, as well as the human preoccupation with somehow relating everything back to sexual organs.

Of course there are regional differences, from half-extending the second and fourth fingers (no doubt to represent the ‘balls’ either side of the middle finger ‘dick’) or combining the finger with another rude gesture, to being as creative as holding up your middle three fingers and telling your target to “read between the lines”.

What have we learned here? Well, perhaps that endless French lessons aren’t necessarily going to make you immune to insulting French people.

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Neuer Beitrag 21.07.2012 08:08
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Yepp, Daumen und Zeigefinger zusammen zum Kreis, heißt in der Tauchersprache "Alles o.k."

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Neuer Beitrag 21.07.2012 11:52
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zum zitierten Beitrag Zitat von Rumms
Yepp, Daumen und Zeigefinger zusammen zum Kreis, heißt in der Tauchersprache "Alles o.k."

ist das geil... fröhlich fröhlich