__________________www.mr-bobber-custom.com Mein: "Hot Rod Bobber" http://forum.milwaukee-vtwin.de/thread35689-page24-streetbob-umbau-step-by-step.htm
__________________Henning & Petra
__________________ROCK ON Greets Jerry I'm a Cowboy, on a Steel Horse i ride.... Full Member: UPPER AUSTRIA CHAPTER Meine Switchback: http://forum.milwaukee-vtwin.de/thread.php?threadid=50244
__________________Gruß aus Hamburg
__________________Und schlägt der Arsch auch Falten - wir bleiben doch die Alten.
__________________A true outlaw finds the balance between the passion in his heart and the reason in his mind. The outcome is the balance of might and right. (SoA) Mein Harley Sportster 883 Blog: http://www.harley883.de
__________________Ride safe and have fun ... Bubbu
__________________"Los Herumtreiber - lasst uns herumtreiben..."