Cheyne McNab,....genau der wars bei mir auch.
Hab nach einer Map für mein Set Up gefragt,..J&H mit K&N Filter im Original Filterkasten für meine 1200er Iron.
Er empfahl mir folgende Map....diese soll ich 1-2 Tankfüllungen fahren,..und bei Bedarf Autotune machen.
Er schrieb in der Antwort 2mal das Autotune nur nach Bedarf gemacht werden soll,..was meint ihr ist Autotune auf jedenfall zu machen!?
Hier seine Antwort und Anleitung zum Autotune vielleicht hilfts wem,...Gruß Becks
Hello, Use the map for V&H Twin Slash 3" slip ons, Quiet baffle for this application. Run the map for 1-2 tanks of fuel, then use Autotune after that if needed.
AUTOTUNE INSTRUCTIONS (only use if needed after 1-2 tanks of fuel with Base Map)**Be advised that while Autotune is active the bike will not perform optimally. The AFR table is not optimized, and the cranking fuel/accel enrichment are turned off. This may translate into poor cold start performance, erratic idle, poor throttle response, and general ride quality issues. These will resolve once you ‘Finish’ the Autotune. Letting the bike fully warmup before riding while Autotune is active will help to slightly diminish some of these symptoms.
1) Go to the Autotune tab in the main menu of the app.
2) a base map from which to start ( whichever slot your correct map is in, most likely slot 1 if this is a brand new FP3.
3) ‘Quick Setup'4) It will have you flash the bike to run Autotune, follow the in app instructions (i.e. bike off for 30 seconds, etc.)
5) Once Autotune is active, you'll want to break it down into 3 sessions, approx. 20-30 minutes each.
6) After your first 20-30 minute session, open the app and go into the Autotune section. 'Apply Learned Values' and 'Apply'. This will take the data learned and store it, allowing for more data to be collected.
7) After the second 20-30 minute session do the same thing - ‘Apply Learned Values’ and then ‘Apply'.

After the 3rd total session, 'Apply Learned Values’ and then '
Finish'. This will complete the Autotune, taking everything learned from each 'Apply' and will build the map/put it into a new slot.
Best, Cheyne McNab / Electronics Product Manager
Ride Harley - Feel Free