Servus miteinander, habe mir bei ein sog. ViED gekauft, erst mal als günstige Alternative zu TTS & co. Wie sich das auf Dauer macht, wird sich zeigen...
Die allgemeinen Infos, die von den, so scheint mir, kompetenten Leuten dort kommen, will ich hier mal posten, vielleicht hilfts ja dem einen oder anderen. Ich fands auf jeden Fall interessant
über XiED allgemein:
"The X14iED was actually designed for the EU market. We found the
XIED's were causing the Sportsters to get a little too rich at high
speeds and the XL's with the O2 IED's could use a bit more fuel. All
of this due to our customers who could ride on the Autobahn.
The O2IED's add about 4% more fuel, the X14iED about 6% and the XiED
about 8%. The X14iED at a target 14.0 AFR and 6% more fuel was the
sweet spot for the XL engines."
über ViED auf die Frage ob die Potis noch nen Stage1 Luffi "abdecken":
"Nice thing about closed loop ECM's is that they want to 'hold' the target
AFR you set on the VIED. So when you add an air cleaner upgrade and have the
VIED set to 14.0 AFR, the ECM will keep the closed loop AFR at 14.0:1. In
open loop (heavy/full throttle), the ECM keeps a running average of the %
correction made in closed loop and applies that as the final correction, so
this will ensure the 13.8-12.5 AFR's in the open loop fuel map are
maintained or even slightly richer."
Pfiats eich Buam...